Skaarhoj ETH-GPI Link V1 IO

Skaarhoj ETH-GPI Link V1 IO

5.031 DKK 5.187 DKK

Interface GPIO 8 CH. In / 8 CH. Out

Model/Varenr.: SK-ETH-GPI-LINK-V1
Lagerstatus: Afsendes indenfor 7-14 arbejdsdage

SKAARHOJ GPIO Control Made Easy

Setting up an I/O device have never been this flexible. Connect and control anything from your tally lamps, trigger ATEM switcher routines, control a HyperDeck, change Scopes on a SmartScope Duo and route inputs/outputs on a VideoHub. Defining parameters – single or multiple - for inputs/outputs is extremely fast, thanks to the drop-down menu structure in UniSketch OS. Connect and control up to 8 devices at the same time!



Broadcast I/O easy control or integration with existing systems


The GPIO controller let you control anything from your tally lamps, a foot switch over ethernet or integration with existing systems such as CCUs, video routing and other video switchers or video infrastructure units. There are almost endless possibilities.

The general-purpose I/O controllers offer 8/16 inputs and 8/16 outputs, all electrically separated with quality relays and optocouplers. GPO is implemented with relays shorting to GND. GPI implemented with optical isolators shorted to GND.

Please notice: SKAARHOJ Controllers with GPI inputs accept open collector and relay outputs (pulled to GND). The default HD15 tally connector on the TriCaster TC1 does not provide a direct working signal to the ETH-GPI Link. Converting the 5V potential to GND is needed.

The DB25 connector configuration is similar to the Blackmagic Design GPI & Tally Interface. If you fancy a breakout board for the DB25 connector with Phoenix connectors then have a look at the Breakout Board.

Device Settings

The ETH-GPI Link runs UniSketch OS which allows you to configure the device for multiple hardware devices such as the ATEM Switcher, HyperDeck, SmartScopes, VideoHubs, AJA KUMO Routers, vMix and more - see the entire list. You can even configure the unit to control multiple hardware devices at the same time! The microprocessor (SKAARDUINO Due) inside the ETH-GPI Link allows connections to a maximum number of 8 devices.

Try and configure a unit for your self at cores.skaarhoj.com

GPIO 8 channels input. 8 channels output


ETH-GPI Link Features

  • 1 x DB25 Connector Configuration
  • 8 GPO
  • 8 GPI
  • Ethernet with PoE (IEEE802.3af)
  • UniSketch OS

Physical Specifications

  • Enclosure Size 12.7 x 8 x 2.9 cm
  • Weight 0.215 kg


UniSketch OS Config Page configure GPI & GPO

A number of default configurations exists for the ETH-GPI Link utilizing various Device Cores. Use any of these if they suit your application or use them as inspiration to build your configuration. As we develop more Device Cores additional default configurations will be added to the ETH-GPI Link.

By entering the UniSketch OS config page for a specific default configuration this is the overview you are presented with. By pressing on either of the In/Out pins the menu will jump to that particular input/output setting. Here you can define actions for almost any of the ATEM parameters, control HyperDeck, SmartScope and VideoHub and more hardware devices - see the overview on Device Cores.

To learn the specific behaviour for GPI and GPO for each parameter we refer to the specific Device Core manuals.

By selecting a action, for instance a ATEM parameter to control, a number of options will appear such as selecting 1ME or 2ME, particular sources and default, Hold Down, Toggle or Cycle behaviour.



NewTek TriCaster + Blackmagic ATEM get tally from TriCaster in sync with ATEM

How to get tally from a NewTek TriCaster switcher onto a ATEM switcher? The scenario is:

  • Video switching done on TriCaster
  • ATEM Switcher utilized to control cameras (Studio Camera, URSA Mini and URSA Broadcast)
  • ATEM Tally needs to follow TriCaster.

The ETH-GPI Link can help to resolve this, but first please check if the SDI-GPI Link is more suitable for you.

ATEM Tally follow TriCaster Tally - GPI

In this setup the ETH-GPI Link will connect to the ATEM Switcher and set Preview/Program accordingly to the signals it receives on the GPI In.

Use the default config "ATEM Connectivity".

ATEM Tally follow TriCaster Tally - GPI

ATEM Tally follow TriCaster Tally - IP

In this setup the ETH-GPI Link will connect to the ATEM Switcher + the TriCaster and via Virtual Hardware Components on the ETH-GPI Link translate Program/Preview states to the ATEM so the two switchers are in sync.

Use the default config "ATEM Tally follow TriCaster Tally".

ATEM Tally follow TriCaster Tally - IP

Joystick Override RCP touchdown via hold groups

By using the "Hold Group" feature found in Device Cores such as Blackmagic ATEM + VideoHub and AJA KUMO Routers, RCP Touchdown function can be used. The Hold Groups feature will fall back to a previous source for a group of triggers using a queue system and finally to the first previous value before any trigger in the group was activated.


Sending GPI over Ethernet and much more!

With the TCP Server + Raw Panel device cores you can network SKAARHOJ controllers in unparallelled ways - not just two controllers but whole groups of them if you please. This video will first demonstrate how you can easily transport a GPI input trigger on an ETH-GPI Link box over network to a relay on another ETH-GPI Link far away with a latency of just 10 ms. And it’s duplex! Then the video moves on to demonstrate how a Tally Box system from SKAARHOJ can quickly be reconfigured to connect to such a ETH-GPI Link box while it’s still also serving tally from an ATEM Switcher. All this is even just scratching the surface of the possibilities.


Se Tutorials for different combinations of controllers and ETH-GPI Link working together at the Server/Client Combination Tutorial on the Manual Page.


Detailed Examples:


Configure GPI examples for the ATEM


Example 1 - ATEM: Program Src

Sets source on the given M/E row.

If Hold Down is selected, the source will fall back to the previous source whenever the trigger is released. Toggle will select the source, but on a subsequent trigger, it will fall back to the previous value. If Cycle mode is selected, a trigger will set the next source on Program.


Example 2 - ATEM: AUX Output Src

Sets AUX source on the given AUX bus.

If Hold Down is selected, the source will fall back to the previous source whenever the trigger is released. Toggle will select the source, but on a second trigger, it will fall back to the previous value. Hold Groups will fall back to a previous source for a group of triggers using a queue system and finally to the first previous value before any trigger in the group was activated. If Cycle mode is selected, a trigger will set the next source on the AUX bus.


Example 3 - ATEM: Upstream Keyer

Turns upstream keyers on and off. 

If Toggle mode, the given upstream keyer is turned or/off successively. If On or Off the upstream keyer is set On or Off respectively. Hold Down will turn the keyer on as long as the trigger is held. Auto will fade in the keyer.


Example 4 - ATEM: Downstream Keyer

Turns downstream keyers on and off. 

If Toggle mode, the given downstream keyer is turned or/off successively. If On or Off the downstream keyer is set On or Off respectively. Hold Down will turn the keyer on as long as the trigger is held. Auto will fade in the keyer.


Example 5 - ATEM: Cut

Performs a cut.


Example 6 - ATEM: Audio

Sets audio sources to on/off, AFV or solo, including XLR, AES, RCA, Master and Monitor.

If Hold Down is selected, the audio source will be set to the defined parameter (on, AFV or solo) until the trigger is released. In Toggle mode, the given audio source is turned on/off successively. If Cycle mode is selected the audio source will toogle between on, AFV and off. 

Configure GPO examples for the ATEM


Example 1 - ATEM: Program Src

On when actual Program Src matches selected source.


Example 2 - ATEM: AUX Output Src

On when actual AUX bus source matches selected source.



Example 3 - ATEM: Upstream Keyer

On if the keyers state corresponds to the selected mode. For most modes except "Off" this means it will be on (but for Off, it will be on in case the keyer is actually off).

Defining multiple actions

For both GPI and GPO it is possible to set multiple actions. You can even add a system wait time to have a pause between actions to be performed.


Example 1 - ATEM: Aux Src + ATEM: Play Macro

Set different sources on AUX 1-6 and begins to loop macro number 8. In this case for AUX 5, the source is set to MV1/1, which means, it's the soure on Multiviewer 1, tile 1.


Example 2 - ATEM: Upstream Keyer Key + Upstream Keyer Fill + Upstream Keyer (Auto)

These 3 multiple actions could be used to fade in a lower third on Keyer 1, while setting the keyer key and the keyer fill.


Example 3 - ATEM: FTB + System: Wait + ATEM: AUX Src

You can set a system wait time, in order to have pauses between actions performed




  • ETH-GPI Link
  • 12V power supply
  • USB programming cable
  • Networking cable
  • UniSketch OS
  • Manuals and Software





Manuals, Training Videos & Manufactures Support !

Click here https://www.skaarhoj.com/support/manuals/ 

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